Article Summary: Climate change poses a significant challenge, but the revolution in agriculture presents many great opportunities. The potential for reducing methane emissions is immense, offering a chance to contribute to climate change. New Zealand stands out as a pioneer in its global efforts in methane reduction, leading with ambitious climate goals, utilising technology and collaborative partnerships. Australia commits to a 30% reduction, employing the Emission Reduction Fund and cutting-edge initiatives. Canada adopts a holistic strategy, emphasising sustainable practices and innovative programs. Together, these nations offer valuable lessons for a more sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to agriculture on a global scale.

Climate change poses a significant challenge, but the revolution in agriculture presents many great opportunities. The potential for reducing methane emissions is immense, offering a chance to contribute to climate change. 

Why is Methane Harmful to the Environment?

Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, primarily stems from livestock, manure, and rice cultivation, with a simple but effective structure. Comprising 16% of global emissions, it surpasses carbon dioxide in heat retention by over 28 times. Doubled concentrations in the past 200 years, driven by human activities, contribute significantly to climate change-related temperature increases. Mitigating methane emissions is imperative to counter its severe and lasting impact on the planet, intensifying global warming and worsening climate change.

New Zealand is a country that is currently taking very bold steps towards eliminating some forms of greenhouse gas emissions, especially methane. Here's how their approach offers valuable lessons for the world's farmers.

What New Zealand is doing to reduce methane emissions

New Zealand has been at the forefront of reducing Methane emissions and ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment. Here is a breakdown of New Zealand’s exemplary efforts in pioneering sustainable farming.

New Zealand's Climate Goals

New Zealand has been very vigorous in setting high targets that look towards addressing the issue of methane emission squarely.

  • By 2030, it seeks to decrease methane emissions by 10 per cent from the 275.4 metric tons measured in 2017.

  • Furthermore, a more ambitious goal for Article 13 of the Paris Agreement perfectly supports these commitments, denoting New Zealand’s zeal to fight climate change.

  • Beyond 2050, the country imagines “carbon neutrality” in agriculture. 

This challenge represents an ambitious objective, suggesting that emissions generated by farming activities will be offset by removals – planting trees strategically.

Science-Driven Solutions

New Zealand is transforming its agricultural practices through substantial investments in cutting-edge research, focusing on utilising technology to reduce methane emissions. The nation leads the way in exploring inventive solutions, including selective breeding programs aimed at developing cows with lower methane emissions.

Furthermore, New Zealand invests in researching methane inhibitors integrated into livestock feed, leveraging technology for sustainable farming. The nation is also actively investigating the development of vaccines to reduce digestive emissions.

Data & Monitoring

New Zealand is actively engaged in the development of sophisticated monitoring systems at the farm level, utilising technology to precisely gauge and comprehend emissions arising from agricultural activities.

Beyond development, the nation takes a hands-on approach by supporting farmers in adopting and implementing these monitoring systems. This support ensures accuracy in emission measurement and empowers farmers with valuable insights, facilitating informed decisions to reduce their environmental footprint.

Policy Leveraging

Government funding supports research and development of methane-reducing technologies, making them more accessible and affordable for farmers.

He Waka Eke Noa

This collaborative partnership between the government, farmers, and Māori communities aims to develop a pricing system for agricultural emissions starting in 2025. Farmers who reduce emissions would be rewarded, while those exceeding caps would pay.

What Australia is doing to reduce methane emissions

Australia showcases its dedication to environmental stewardship by voluntarily joining the global methane pledge, committing to a 30% reduction in emissions by 2030. Australia is implementing various measures, such as the Emission Reduction Fund and the Methane Mapping Initiative, to actively address and monitor methane emissions on a national scale.

Emission Reduction Fund

Australia spearheads its methane reduction efforts through the Emission Reduction Fund. This government program incentivises farmers to adopt practices like improved pasture management and feed additives, effectively reducing methane production. The initiative also emphasises the crucial role farmers play in mitigating emissions.

Cooperative Research Centre

Dedicated to advancing low-emission beef and sheep production, Australia's Cooperative Research Centre exists to create collaboration between industry, academia, and government. This partnership fosters innovation by developing practical solutions for reducing methane emissions in the agricultural sector.

Methane Mapping Initiative

Australia takes a technological leap with its Methane Mapping Initiative, utilising aircraft and satellite technology for large-scale monitoring of farm methane emissions. This pioneering approach provides valuable data and enables targeted interventions.

What Canada is doing to reduce methane emissions

On the national stage, Canada’s Pan-Canadian Framework provides a comprehensive plan for climate change. This all-encompassing framework ensembles individual goals for minimising methane emissions from agricultural activities and complementary policies

Canadian Beef Sustainability Framework

In response to sustainable beef production, Canada applies the Canadian Beef Sustainability Framework – an industry-driven program that enhances feed efficiency and manure management practices. This drive directly contributes to the larger methane mitigation objectives in agriculture.

Manure Management Innovation Program

Canada implements advanced solutions from the Manure Management Innovation Program. By investing in research and development of technologies that harness methane generated from manure, the program will foster sustainable energy production and contribute to Canada’s undertaking regarding reducing emissions produced by agricultural practices.

New Zealand, Australia, and Canada are actively working to decrease methane emissions in agriculture through more resilient and sustainable farming approaches. All of them have taken initiatives, set ambitious goals and started programs to tackle emissions. These endeavours offer valuable insights into global agriculture, underlining the significance of shared responsibility in creating a more sustainable future.

For more information concerning global farming, environmental and climate-related farming challenges, and how to farm smarter, make sure you follow our 50 Shades of Graze blog. Stay tuned and stay up to date with everything happening in our industry!

Until we meet again, Happy Farming!

- The Dedicated Team of, 2024-01-30