Article Summary: Satellites silently oversee our technological age, influencing communication and navigation. Their increasing numbers, however, raise concerns about their sustainable management. Satellites have transformed agriculture, offering real-time data to navigate change and enhancing efficiency on larger farms. This abundance of information empowers farmers with insights into weather, soil health, and crop conditions. Despite their benefits, the surge in satellite numbers brings environmental risks, including collisions, space debris, and light pollution.

Satellites silently oversee our technological age, influencing communication and navigation. Their increasing numbers, however, raise concerns about their sustainable management. Satellites have transformed agriculture, offering real-time data to navigate change and enhancing efficiency on larger farms. This abundance of information gives farmers insights into weather, soil health, and crop conditions. Despite their benefits, the surge in satellite numbers brings environmental risks, including collisions, space debris, and light pollution. 

Let’s find out more about the rise of satellites in the sky and how they can help you farm better and smarter while understanding their impact on the planet.

Role of Satellites in Agricultural Change Over The Last Century

Satellites have been pivotal in transforming agriculture over the last century, offering farmers invaluable tools to navigate change. In the early days of traditional farming, the scale was often limited to small plots, relying on manual labour and basic tools. Today, the scale of farming has dramatically expanded, with large farms utilising advanced machinery and agtech apps for greater efficiency and financial outcomes.

Comparing Traditional Farming Techniques to Today

One of the most significant changes is the wealth of data available to farmers. In the past, farmers relied on observations and experience, whereas now, satellites provide real-time data on various aspects such as weather patterns, soil health, and crop conditions. This abundance of information empowers you with actionable insights, allowing for more informed decision-making.

The ability to farm remotely is a revolutionary shift, enabled by satellites. With satellite technology, you can monitor and manage your fields from a distance. This remote capability enhances efficiency and reduces the need for constant physical presence on the farm.

Moreover, satellite imagery works wonders for increasing a farm's overall productivity and profitability. When combined with the right data models, satellite imagery can help you monitor crop health, predict growth yield and rate, monitor soil, and assess weather patterns.  

Satellites and Sustainable Farming

In the face of increasing challenges to feed the world sustainably, satellites have become indispensable tools.

At, it’s one way we provide real-time observations and pasture management data directly to you!

  • They aid in tracking changing weather patterns so that you can optimise your irrigation practices and improve overall efficiency.  

  • Satellite data can precisely map water availability and monitor usage. As a result, you can conserve precious resources and prevent overexploitation of water resources. 

  • Additionally, satellites excel in early detection of potential threats such as pest infestations and diseases, providing you with a proactive approach to crop protection. 

The precision and foresight offered by satellite technology contribute significantly to sustainable farming practices, helping you adapt to a dynamic agricultural landscape.

The Risks/Environmental Impacts of Satellites in the Sky

Besides their worthwhile benefits, the presence of satellites in the sky may pose some environmental risks, too. From the risk of collision to privacy issues, various issues may affect the environment. Some common concerns about the increasing number of satellites in the sky are mentioned below.

What Happens If There Are Too Many Satellites?

If there are too many satellites, the risk of collisions and the creation of space debris or space junk significantly rises. Space debris is like small pieces of stuff floating around in space. This can be a problem because it might get in the way of other satellites and make it more challenging to use space safely.

Will There Be Collisions or Debris/Space Junk?

This debris can pose threats to operational satellites and spacecraft, creating a hazardous space environment. Additionally, the congestion of satellites can interfere with astronomical observations, impacting scientific research and space exploration.

Does the Atmosphere Change? Is There More Radiation?

While the atmosphere itself doesn't change, the accumulation of satellites in low Earth orbit may contribute to light pollution, affecting observations from Earth. Furthermore, concerns about increased radiation from satellites are minimal, as their electronic components are designed to minimise emissions. Although satellites can impact how we see the night sky, they don't significantly alter the composition or functioning of the Earth's atmosphere.

Some concerns with Satellite Technology

Satellite technology, while immensely beneficial, presents some challenges and concerns. One notable issue revolves around the increasing frequency of satellite flyovers, drawing attention from farmers. This heightened visibility may raise privacy concerns, as satellites' extensive data collection capabilities may infringe on individual privacy. 

Furthermore, you need to pay close attention to keeping data safe because satellites gather much information. Also, using and putting many satellites into space might cause environmental problems, like disruptions to nature. Handling these challenges properly is essential to ensure satellite technology is used responsibly and doesn't harm our surroundings as you enjoy its benefits in different areas.

It’s not all bad news. Satellite technology is here, and it’s helping farmers like you.

Amidst these concerns, satellite technology can bring many positive benefits. Satellites help with various things like keeping an eye on droughts, checking on plants, and predicting floods. They play a crucial role in global agriculture, detecting pests and diseases, so you can use fewer fertilisers.

Our take? In the vast space of satellites, the difficulty isn't just having many of them but coordinating their movements to improve life on Earth.

The solution uses satellite technology to give you greater visibility, accuracy and decision-making power.

Wherever you are in the world, imagine your pasture being measured while you're busy farming. Sounds too good to be true? It’s possible. And more and more farmers around the world are growing healthier pastures and animals and becoming more efficient with our revolutionary Pio technology.

Say goodbye to regular pasture measurements and hello to automatic updates of your feed wedge with ZERO labour!

With daily satellite pasture measurements from over 150 satellites you can track in our app, you can now take mission control from your computer or smart device. To learn more about what we do in this space (get it?!), visit us here or get in touch to speak with our agtech expert team today!

Until we meet again, Happy Measuring!

- The Dedicated Team of, 2024-02-06