Satellite pasture measuring FAQ
Satellite image technology
How frequently do the satellites fly over?
- The satellites fly over daily.
What is the resolution of the imagery?
- The image resolution is approximately 3m2 per pixel.
Do you use NDVI to calculate pasture covers?
- The short answer is yes, NDVI makes up a component of our models for calculating pasture covers and we make use of other management records for refining the measurements.
Do clouds get in the way?
- With the current technology, yes they do and we use algorithms to filter out the cloud. However, the daily satellite flights help overcome cloudy days with frequent measurements.
How often are pasture measurements taken?
- This depends on how cloudy your area is. Expect a measurement at least every 7 to 10 days during the wetter seasons and when it's sunny you can expect daily measurements.
How do you deal with objects in paddocks?
- We've developed powerful algorithms that learn which objects should be removed from the measurements.
Remote measuring accuracy/consistency
How accurate is remote measuring?
- We don't measure accuracy per se and more importantly, we measure how consistent remote measuring is. Consistency is key to pre-grazing at your desired cover and grazing to your desired post-grazing residuals, accuracy inherently follows suit.
How do you overcome the issues of imagery?
- The platform has powerful statistical algorithms combined with machine learning. This is where we turn your data into meaningful metrics for training the imagery on your farm and at the individual paddock level.
How consistent is remote measuring?
- The imagery is highly consistent when aligned with our models. We've found that remote measuring is closer in consistency when comparing to a CDax than when comparing a CDax with a rising plate meter.
- We have solid data comparing a CDax vs our images with outstanding results. Consistency is high.
Farming Systems and Regions
Does the platform and remote measuring work outside of Australia and New Zealand?
- Yes, it does! Talk to us if you want help signing up or setting up your farm.
Does the remote measuring work with dryland and irrigated pastures?
- Yes, it does. Our feedback loops overcome dry conditions and can estimate biomass with reasonable consistency.
Does the remote measuring work with different species.
- Yes, it does. The models don't discriminate with pasture varieties and species. The models are highly dynamic at learning and adapting to your conditions.
- If you plan on measuring forage crops such as lucerne, millet, oats, maize, sorghum, etc - then please talk with us, as we're developing this feature and would love your feedback in the development process.
What information should I expect from the service?
- Regular pasture covers and growth rates for individual paddocks streamed into the platform.
- The full suite of tools to make the best tactical and strategic farm management decisions.
Plans, Pricing, and Economics
How much does the remote measuring cost (Premium Plus)?
- $1,099 + $8 per ha
- Annual subscription.
Wasn't it $2,500 + $2.50 per ha?
- This was an original price for pre-launch customers only. We thank them for helping us shape the product into what it is now. We also were providing early-bird customers with far less satellite imagery than we are able to provide you with now. We can now provide up to daily imagery, see below for more details.
Do you have monthly pricing/payment terms for the plans?
- Not at this stage. The above is an annual subscription.
What comes with the Premium Plus and are there any other costs?
- The Premium Plus plan includes the remote measuring and everything in the Premium plan (i.e. the full Platform).
How often do you get satellite images?
- We can provide up to daily imagery. However given the nature of satellite imagery, there are several factors we take into consideration when selecting appropriate images. These factors may include cloud conditions, satellite trajectory for optimal angle of the sun for consistency, roll or pitch angle of the spacecraft and many other factors including the individual farm, therefore not every day will be processed.
What are the economics of not measuring with a device to signing up to the Premium Plus plan?
- You have one labour unit that takes 3 hours to walk or drive your farm once a week, 52 weeks of the year. That labour unit costs $25/hr. In labour you pay 3 x 52 x 25 = 3,900 Dollars
What are the economics of going from eyeball measuring to signing up to the Premium Plus plan?
- A recent study in NZ by Beukes et al. (2018) modelled that going from the eyeball method to measuring could yield you a profit increase of approx. 38,500 Dollars to 54,000 Dollars on a 100-hectare farm. That's potentially a whopping 385 Dollars to 540 Dollars per hectare in additional farm profit.