Article Summary: Future-proof your farming operations with the predictive feed wedge feature from Unlike traditional feed wedges, this advanced tool doesn't just show you the current state of your pasture; it forecasts what's coming. Whether it's an impending weather change or a planned increase in livestock, you'll have the data-driven insights to make proactive, efficient decisions. Say goodbye to reactive stress and hello to empowered, sustainable farming.


So, you've heard of feed wedges, but have you ever considered what it would be like to have a feed wedge that predicts the future?

That's exactly what a predictive feed wedge does. This innovative tool doesn't just offer a snapshot of your current pasture situation; it provides a forward-looking view, helping you plan for what's coming next.

Why Predictions Matter in Farming

Think about the last time you were caught off guard by a sudden weather change or a fluctuation in feed prices. Unpredictable factors like these are part and parcel of farming, but they can throw your entire operation into disarray.

This is where predictive tools come into play. Imagine having a tool that could forecast pasture growth based on weather patterns or even predict how changes in livestock numbers could affect your feed availability.

Sound like a game-changer?

That's because it is.

The beauty of predictive tools is that they bring a layer of data-driven intelligence to your farming practices. For instance, consider a predictive feed wedge. Instead of merely showing you the current state of your pasture, it can forecast growth rates based on upcoming weather events.

If a heatwave or a heavy rainfall is expected, you'll be alerted in advance. This enables you to make pre-emptive adjustments, like moving livestock to paddocks that are more resilient to extreme conditions or organising supplementary feeding before a crunch hits.

The bottom line?

You're not just reacting; you're proactively managing your resources.

But it's not just about the weather. Predictive tools can also help you manage other variables like livestock numbers.

Suppose you're planning to increase your herd size.

A predictive tool can calculate how this change will affect your pasture's regrowth rates, telling you whether your current paddocks can sustain the increased demand or if you'll need to adjust your rotational grazing strategy.

By taking the guesswork out of these decisions, predictive tools arm you with the insights to operate more efficiently and sustainably. So, you're not just surviving the ups and downs of farming; you're thriving despite them.

The Science of Predictive Feed Wedges with

What makes's predictive feed wedge so revolutionary is its data-driven approach.

It considers a range of variables, from soil conditions and weather forecasts to livestock grazing patterns. By analysing this data, the predictive feed wedge offers you an advanced look at your future pasture situation, allowing you to make informed decisions.

For example, if a dry spell is predicted, you'll know in advance which paddocks may require supplementary feeding or irrigation. This level of foresight is invaluable in the volatile world of farming.

Let's delve a bit deeper into how this data-driven approach works. uses machine learning algorithms that continuously learn from new data. As more information is fed into the system—whether it's about soil nitrogen levels, rainfall, or grazing history—the algorithms become smarter and more accurate in their predictions.

This adaptability is crucial because, as you know, no two seasons are the same.

The machine learning model takes this variability into account, offering you customised insights that are tailored to your farm's unique conditions. It's like having a personal farm consultant who's available 24/7, constantly adapting to new data with Pio, the AI Farm Consultant.

But what does this mean for you in practical terms?

Imagine you're in the middle of the grazing season. You've got your rotational grazing plan in place, but suddenly, and hypothetically, the predictive feed wedge alerts you to an upcoming heavy rainfall event.

This advanced notice allows you to make immediate adjustments, such as moving your livestock to higher ground or paddocks with better drainage, thus avoiding potential issues like pasture pugging or waterlogging. It also enables you to better coordinate other activities, like fertilising, which might be best done before or after the rain to maximise effectiveness.

So, you're not just staying one step ahead of Mother Nature; you're optimising your entire farming operation.

Real-world Scenarios: Being Prepared vs. Being Reactive

Let's consider two scenarios. In the first, you're using traditional methods to manage your pasture. A sudden early frost hits, and you scramble to adjust your grazing schedule and secure additional feed.

In the second scenario, you're using's predictive feed wedge. You were alerted weeks in advance about the likelihood of early frost and had ample time to prepare.

See the difference?

Being proactive with the help of predictive tools allows you to manage your risks effectively rather than reacting to challenges as they arise. This not only reduces stress but also has a direct impact on your bottom line.

In the first scenario, the reactive approach puts you on the back foot. You're now dealing with stressed livestock, possibly reduced milk or meat production, and a sudden spike in costs for emergency feed or medical treatments.

These unplanned expenses can be a major setback, especially if you're operating on thin margins. You might also find that the quality of the pasture deteriorates due to overgrazing or inadequate recovery time, leading to long-term soil health issues.

All these factors contribute to a cycle of stress and financial strain, making it difficult for you to focus on growth and innovation.

In contrast, the second scenario paints a picture of proactive management. By knowing about the early frost weeks in advance, you can prepare by sourcing additional feed at a better price, adjusting your grazing plan to avoid sensitive areas, and even using this information to negotiate favourable terms with suppliers.

This level of preparedness does more than just reduce stress; it gives you the flexibility to allocate resources more efficiently. For example, you might decide to invest the money saved on emergency feed into improving your irrigation system or expanding your herd.

By turning potential crises into manageable events, predictive tools like empower you to be not just a survivor in the challenging world of farming but a savvy operator.

Practical Tips for Leveraging's Predictive Feed Wedge

Keep Your Data Updated

For the predictive feed wedge to be most effective, it's crucial for you to keep all your data up-to-date. The more accurate the data, the more reliable the predictions.

This means routinely maintaining information like grazing events, livestock numbers, and fertiliser applications. Consistent data updating not only improves the tool's immediate forecasts but also refines its long-term predictive models.

Think of it as fine-tuning an engine: the more precise the components, the smoother and more efficient the performance.

Don't Ignore the Alerts offers constant information based on the predictive feed wedge's findings. It's essential to take this seriously.

This information is your first line of defence against unforeseen challenges, giving you a heads-up about potential issues like nutrient deficiencies in certain paddocks or upcoming weather events that could affect pasture growth. When you view this information, act on it. 

Whether double-checking your irrigation systems or rethinking your grazing schedule, timely action could distinguish between a minor hiccup and a major setback.

Use It as a Planning Tool

Don't just use the predictive feed wedge as a reactive measure; incorporate it into your long-term planning. The tool can provide you with valuable insights into seasonal trends, helping you plan for the entire year.

For instance, if you notice a recurring pattern of slower pasture growth every autumn, you can preemptively adjust your grazing plans or secure additional feed well in advance.

The predictive feed wedge can even assist in long-term financial planning, helping you allocate resources more efficiently by forecasting future needs and opportunities. By using it as a cornerstone in your planning process, you're setting the stage for a more resilient and profitable farming operation.


Predictive tools like's predictive feed wedge are not just a nice-to-have; they're a must-have in modern farming. They enable you to be proactive, making informed decisions that help mitigate risks and improve your farm's resilience.

In a profession where the stakes are high and the margins often thin, can you afford not to be predictive?

Ready to take control of your farming future? Experience the power of predictive feed wedges with today.

Until we meet again, Happy Grazing!

- The Dedicated Team of, 2023-10-13