Article Summary: At the heart of effective range and pasture management is choosing the right technology, but first, you must select the best approach for the management of your pastures and rangeland, which will result in your grazing success. And that is what we’ll explore in this blog, in part two of our series, along with success factors for effective pasture and range management, how taking a holistic approach is key and how the size of your farm may affect your choice. Let’s get grazing!

In our last blog on the same topic, we discussed the difference between pasture management and range or rangeland management by asking, “Range management vs pasture management – what’s the difference?”. 

We learnt that the two are not mutually exclusive; that you can use both to manage your farmland effectively. At its heart is choosing the right technology, but first, you must select the best approach for managing your pastures and rangeland, which will result in your grazing success. And that is what we’ll explore in part 2 of our series in this blog.

Success factors for effective range and pasture management

Effective range and pasture management require a combination of knowledge, experience, and the right tools and techniques. Here are some success factors that you really should keep in mind when managing your range and pasture lands:

  • Understand the land: Gain a deep understanding of the land you are on, including soil type, topography, and vegetation.

  • Set clear goals: As a farmer, you must set clear goals for your management strategies, such as improving soil health, increasing forage production, or promoting biodiversity.

  • Use the right management techniques: Choose the best management techniques for your specific situation based on climate, livestock, and land size.

  • Invest in technology: Advancements in technology have made it easier for you to manage range and pasture lands more effectively. Just like the Predictive Feed Wedge as part of’s suite of tech, investing in the right tools and techniques can help you make informed decisions and optimise your management strategies.

  • Continuously monitor and adapt: Range and pasture management is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adaptation. Regularly evaluate your management strategies and make the changes necessary to achieve your goals. 

Is grazing success reliant on pasture and range management?

You betcha. Both approaches are integral to creating a healthy and productive grazing system.

Pasture management involves selecting, cultivating, and maintaining specific types of grasses and forages that provide optimal nutrition for livestock. This includes activities such as planting, fertilising, and rotational grazing. A well-managed pasture offers a consistent source of high-quality forage supporting healthy and productive livestock.

Range management is focused on maintaining the natural landscape and ecosystem of the grazing land. Maintaining soil health, managing invasive species, to promoting biodiversity all play a part. A healthy range can provide diverse forage options for livestock and support a range of other ecosystem services such as water filtration, carbon sequestration, and habitat for wildlife.

Grazing success depends on the pasture and range's health and productivity. By carefully managing both aspects of the grazing system, it's within your reach to create a sustainable and productive grazing system that supports your livestock's health and well-being while preserving and enhancing the natural environment. 

What are other considerations for grazing success?

Knowledge and resources 

Another important factor to consider is the level of expertise and resources required for each method. While pasture management may seem simpler and more intuitive, it still requires careful planning and monitoring to ensure optimal results. As a farmer, you need to understand the specific needs and characteristics of your pasture, as well as the grazing habits of your livestock, in order to implement an effective management plan.

On the other hand, range management typically requires more specialised knowledge and resources, including assessing soil and vegetation conditions, managing grazing patterns, and implementing restoration and rehabilitation measures. This can be challenging, especially for those farmers just starting out or lacking access to the equipment and technologies.

Despite these challenges, both range and pasture management have their place in modern farming practices. Each method offers unique benefits and advantages; the choice ultimately comes down to individual and specific needs and goals.

The rise of AgriTech

Advancements in technology are also playing an increasingly important role in improving both range and pasture management practices. For example, the use of GPS tracking and mapping software can help you optimise your grazing patterns, while remote sensors and monitoring systems can provide real-time data on soil moisture, temperature, and other key variables. You'll read more about the tech involved in part 1 of this series

But perhaps the most important thing? You must be proactive and strategic to make your farm management efforts successful. 

Take a holistic approach

Have you considered implementing restoration and rehabilitation measures with local conservation organisations? Does anyone you know regularly invest in new technologies and equipment to help optimise their farm management? Are you aware of new salt-tolerant grasses developed for coastal areas that can feed your livestock? And is your fire management effort up to scratch?

It's up to you to stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in range and pasture management, including attending workshops and training sessions, reading industry publications, and consulting with experts in the field.

By adopting a proactive and strategic approach, you'll not only improve the productivity and profitability of your farming business but also contribute to the long-term sustainability of your land and the wider agricultural industry.   

What do smaller farms use – pasture or range management?

Smaller farms may choose to use either range management or pasture management depending on the type of farming operation, the size of the land, the kind of livestock, the climate and your goals.

Pasture management is typically more suitable for smaller farms with cultivated pastures, where you can more easily manage the intensity and timing of grazing. You could divide the pasture into smaller paddocks and rotate animals between them to promote even grazing and allow vegetation to recover. Pasture management may be suitable for farms with smaller herds of cattle, sheep or goats, which can be rotated through different paddocks in a controlled manner.

Range management may be more suitable for larger farms with extensive areas of natural rangeland. This may include monitoring the number and distribution of livestock on the land and implementing rest periods to allow vegetation to recover. Range management may be suitable for larger operations with larger herds of livestock such as cattle or buffalo.

The decision of whether to use range management or pasture management will depend on your specific circumstances. You'd need to consider the land type, the type of livestock, and your farming goals. Both range and pasture management can be effective in maintaining the health and productivity of the land and the animals that rely on it, and you should choose the approach that best suits your particular circumstances. 

So, there you have it. A comprehensive guide to pasture and range (aka rangeland) management. In the past two blogs on the topic, we’ve discussed:

  • The differences between pasture and range management and how they can be used together for farming success

  • How technology helps farmers in pasture and range management efforts

  • Success factors for effective range and pasture management

  • Whether grazing success is reliant on how you manage your rangeland or pastures

  • Other considerations for grazing success, and

  • Whether small farms are suited to pasture management over range management

No, go forth, set up your strategy, adopt the right technology, upskill, and see your productivity and profitability improve.

Until we meet again, Happy Grazing!

- The Dedicated Team of, 2023-04-25