Article Summary: In an era marked by supply chain disruptions, geopolitical uncertainty, and the impacts of climate change, the agricultural industry has become increasingly susceptible to market volatility and inflation. Where farmers like you are seeking ways to overcome these challenges to ensure long-term survival, there is one answer: agtech! This informative blog explores how you can harness the power of tech to navigate unpredictability in agriculture and the market. By leveraging these innovations, you can improve efficiency, enhance their resilience, work towards a sustainable future and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

In an era marked by supply chain disruptions, geopolitical uncertainty, and the impacts of climate change, the agricultural industry has become increasingly susceptible to market volatility and inflation. A 2022 McKinsey survey shows that farmers across the United States are seeking ways to overcome these challenges to ensure long-term survival. This provides some great insights into how, with the help of specific technology, farmers globally can benefit in times of instability. 


Because we're in this game to make a living and support our families and community.

One promising avenue for finding relief from uncertainty lies in adopting agtech. This informative blog explores how you can harness the power of agtech to navigate unpredictability in agriculture and the market. By leveraging these innovations, you can improve efficiency, enhance their resilience, work towards a sustainable future and capitalise on emerging opportunities. 

How agtech innovations can protect farmers from the impacts of uncertain times

Climate change

Smart tech can help you adapt to the impacts of climate change, enhance your resilience, and follow more sustainable farming practices. Some specific agtech apps and tools provide you with data, advice and strategies to make informed decisions, optimise your use of resources and protect your livelihoods in a changing climate scenario. 

Let's delve deeper into the ways tech can help you navigate climate unpredictability:

Climate monitoring and data-driven insights

Automated weather stations and sensors can provide real-time weather data, allowing you to monitor and analyse climate conditions on your farm. This data enables informed decision-making regarding irrigation, planting schedules, and crop management strategies.

Precision agriculture techniques

Certain agtech solutions enable you to apply inputs (such as water, fertilisers, and pesticides) precisely based on crop and soil needs. This reduces resource waste, optimises plant health, and improves resilience against climate-induced stresses.

Crop selection and breeding

Agtech innovations facilitate identifying and developing crop varieties more tolerant to climate extremes like drought, heat, or flooding. These resilient varieties help you maintain productivity and adapt to changing climatic conditions.

Water management

Soil moisture sensors and irrigation automation tools can monitor soil moisture levels and automate irrigation systems accordingly. This improves water use efficiency, prevents water stress in crops, and reduces the risk of water scarcity during periods of drought.

Protected cultivation

Controlled environment agriculture, facilitated by agtech solutions, allows you to protect crops from extreme weather events and temperature fluctuations. Greenhouses and tunnels provide a more stable and controlled growing environment, reducing vulnerability to climate change impacts.

Predictive analytics and modelling

Climate modelling and predictive analytics via agtech platforms can take historical climate data and advanced modelling techniques and generate predictions and forecasts related to climate patterns. This information tells you when to expect changes and how to plan accordingly, and improve your farming practices.

Carbon sequestration and climate mitigation

Agtech apps can support you in adopting climate-smart practices, such as cover cropping, rotational grazing, and agroforestry. These practices promote carbon sequestration, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to climate change mitigation efforts. 

Political uncertainty

As a farmer and with the help of agtech, you can proactively adapt to geopolitical uncertainties, minimise risks, and explore new opportunities in global markets. There are specific tools available that can assist you with informed decision-making, diversification, and resilience, enabling you to navigate the challenges posed by ever-changing geopolitical dynamics.  

Read on to see how agtech can help you through times of political unrest:

Diversification of markets

Certain software solutions, and beyond farming, subscriptions to market data provide access to real-time market data, enabling you to identify and explore new market opportunities.  You can protect yourself and your farm by diversifying your customer base and reducing reliance on specific regions that may be affected by geopolitical tensions.

Adaptation to trade dynamics

Precision agriculture technologies can help you optimise your production practices by utilising data-driven insights to align with changing trade dynamics. Use data to help you decide when to adjust crop selection and when to focus on cultivation techniques and quality standards to meet the requirements of different markets.

Risk management and insurance

Remote sensing and satellite imagery may provide valuable information about crop health, allowing you to monitor and assess risks associated with geopolitical events. This data can support insurance programs protecting you against political and economic uncertainties.

Collaborative networks and alliances

Global knowledge exchange platforms and networks can provide you with updates and collaboration among farmers worldwide. This community focus ensures continuous connection, learning and gaining insights into geopolitical challenges while developing strategies to navigate uncertain environments.

Sustainability and self-sufficiency

Technologies like vertical and indoor agriculture enable you to produce crops in controlled environments regardless of external geopolitical factors. This promotes self-sufficiency and reduces dependence on imports from politically unstable regions.

Advocacy and lobbying tools

Agtech has the ability to connect you with policymakers and advocate for favourable agricultural policies—like voicing concerns about geopolitical uncertainties and seeking support to mitigate their impact on your community. 

Supply chain disruptions

If you’re faced with disruptions to your supply chain, you’re going to need the resources to help you navigate through this challenge. After all, most of us have little to no experience in this area. You risk severely harming your business's bottom line with one wrong move. So, how can you use tech to help you make the best decisions? There are plenty of ways:

Enhanced traceability

Implementing blockchain solutions can ensure transparent and secure recording of transactions throughout the supply chain. This enables you to track products from farm to consumer, reducing the risk of counterfeit or compromised goods.

Diversified distribution channels

Direct-to-consumer platforms can establish direct connections with consumers—bypassing traditional supply chain intermediaries. Reduce dependence on vulnerable distribution channels and have greater control over your product this way.

Localised and decentralised production

Consider growing crops in controlled environments near urban centres—reducing the reliance on long-distance transportation and supply chain disruptions on perishable goods.

On-farm processing and value-added products

Establishing processing facilities on the farm can enable farmers to transform raw agricultural products into value-added goods. This reduces reliance on external processing facilities and mitigates the risk of disruptions in the processing sector.

Smarter inventory management

Smart sensors and data analytics systems can provide real-time insights into inventory levels, allowing you to optimise storage, distribution, and replenishment processes. You don't want low supply and excess inventory during supply chain disruptions.

Collaborative networks and partnerships

Joining other farmers through cooperatives or alliances can help establish resilient supply chains. Collectively navigate supply chain disruptions by pooling resources, sharing expertise, and strengthening your bargaining power with suppliers and buyers. After all, what are we without community?!

So, what farming app should I choose?

There are MANY farming apps, and all have different purposes. It pays to research and ascertain the areas you need to optimise and automate first.

If you want a tool that helps you nail your pasture and grazing initiatives,’s revolutionary app is here to help you take the guesswork out.

Using satellite technology, AI, continuous improvements, and a wealth of available farming knowledge as part of a community,’s app is one piece of the solution. Our new ‘Pio’ AI-driven Farming Consultant is here 24/7 to make your farming life easier and provide certainty in an ever-changing world.

Find out more by contacting our team of agtech experts today! All you have to do is launch the chatbox and get started.

Until we meet again, Happy Farming!

- The Dedicated Team of, 2023-07-06