Article Summary: Erratic or heavy snowfall can significantly impact farms, particularly on the land, pastures, animal health, and overall profitability. So what can you do if it happens to you? Read on as we share key points to consider when managing a farm in the snow, plus examples of regions leading the way in snowfall management, like Scandinavia, the European Alps and Siberia. If you live in an alpine environment, your actions will depend on your farm's unique circumstances and the severity of snowfall. Consulting with agricultural experts, extension services, and fellow farmers in elevated areas can provide valuable insights and guidance for managing your farm effectively after a snowfall.

Farming in areas prone to excessive cold snaps or heavy snowfall presents unique challenges and requires specific strategies to ensure successful crop production and animal husbandry. 

Just like in cases of flooding, erratic or heavy snowfall can significantly impact farms, particularly on the land, pastures, animal health, and overall profitability. 

If you live in an alpine environment, your actions will depend on your farm's unique circumstances and the severity of snowfall. 

Does that relate to you? 

It’s all good, because we’re here to help you plough through the snow and continue farming well. Rug up and read on for ways to handle snowfall and excessive cold on your farm.

How to manage your farm in cases of heavy snowfall or freezing temperatures

Crop selection

You're best to choose crop varieties adapted to cold temperatures and have a shorter growing season. Cold-tolerant crops like winter wheat, rye, and certain types of barley are more suitable for such regions. Additionally, selecting cold-hardy vegetable varieties can help extend the growing season.


In a cold-prone area? You need to plan your planting and harvesting schedules carefully. It's important to start planting seeds after the risk of frost has passed and to time the harvest before the first frost in the fall. By understanding the average frost dates for their region, you can maximise your planting windows and increase the chances of a successful harvest.

Soil management 

Proper soil management practices can help mitigate the impact of cold snaps and heavy snow. Techniques like cover cropping, mulching, and adding organic matter to the soil can improve its ability to retain heat and moisture. Additionally, raised beds or high tunnels can protect against cold temperatures and snow accumulation. 

Irrigation and drainage

Managing irrigation and drainage effectively in areas with heavy snow is essential. Excessive snowmelt can cause water logging and adversely affect crops. Proper drainage systems, such as trenches or tile drains, can help remove excess water and prevent water logging. Implementing irrigation systems that can be adjusted based on snow accumulation and melt rates can ensure optimal soil moisture levels. 

Livestock management

Cold snaps and heavy snow can also impact livestock health and comfort. Providing shelter and windbreaks for animals and adequate bedding is essential. Use heaters or alternative heating methods in barns or poultry houses to maintain suitable temperatures. Ensuring access to clean water is critical, as it can freeze in low temperatures. Heated waterers or regularly breaking ice can help address this issue.

Snow removal

Excessive snowfall can hinder farming operations, making it necessary to have strategies for snow removal. Obtain equipment like snowploughs, snow blowers, or tractors with snow attachments to clear access roads, driveways, and animal pathways if you can. Proper snow removal can also prevent snow accumulation on roofs and structures, reducing the risk of damage.

Planning for emergencies

Develop contingency plans for severe cold snaps or blizzards. This includes having backup power generators, extra food supplies for animals, and emergency communication systems in case of power outages or isolation due to snowed-in conditions. 

In addition, adopting smart technology to take the guesswork out of measuring your pastures and monitoring what’s happening on your land will help reduce the stress and additional workload you’ll face during these times. Consider an Intensive Grazing plan, with the help of frequent and timely satellite measurements delivered to your devices in an instant.

Examples of regions where farmers have adapted their farming practices to cope with excessive cold snaps or heavy snowfall

Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland)

These Nordic countries experience long, harsh winters with heavy snowfall. Farmers in these regions have developed practices such as using high tunnels and greenhouses to extend the growing season, selecting cold-tolerant crop varieties, and implementing innovative techniques like hydroponics and aquaponics to grow crops indoors.

Canadian Prairies

The Canadian Prairies, particularly the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, are known for their cold winters and significant snowfall. Farmers in this region have adopted various strategies to manage the cold via windbreaks, practising zero-tillage farming to preserve soil moisture and implementing advanced irrigation systems that can be adjusted based on snowmelt rates.

The United States

Areas like the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada in the United States experience cold snaps and heavy snowfall. Farmers in these regions have adapted by constructing hoop houses or high tunnels to protect crops from the cold, using snow fences to control snow accumulation, and adopting water management techniques that account for snowmelt runoff.

Siberia, Russia

Siberia is known for its extremely cold temperatures and heavy snowfall. Local farmers have developed strategies to cope with these conditions, such as building insulated shelters for livestock, implementing efficient heating systems in barns, and utilising snow removal equipment to maintain access to fields and animal housing.

Alpine regions of Switzerland and Austria

The mountainous regions of Switzerland and Austria face prolonged winters and substantial snowfall. Farmers in these areas have implemented practices like terracing to prevent soil erosion, constructing avalanche protection structures to safeguard fields, and utilising specialised snow-clearing equipment to maintain access to farmland.

Countries that have adapted their farming to handle regular, extreme weather events 

The Netherlands

The Netherlands is prone to winter storms and coastal flooding. Dutch farmers have implemented innovative strategies such as constructing elevated farm buildings or "floating farms" that can withstand floodwaters, utilising drainage systems and water management techniques, and implementing precision agriculture practices to optimise resource use and mitigate the impact of extreme weather events.


Iceland experiences harsh winter conditions, including heavy snowfall, strong winds, and freezing temperatures. Icelandic farmers have adapted by constructing greenhouses and geothermal-heated buildings to grow crops year-round, utilising geothermal energy for heating purposes, and employing specialised livestock breeds better suited to cold climates.

And don't forget…

By implementing these strategies and adapting farming practices to the challenges posed by excessive cold snaps or heavy snowfall, you can improve your resilience and maintain a sustainable agricultural operation.

Please note that specific recommendations may vary depending on the location and severity of cold snaps or snowfall in a particular area. Local agricultural extension services or consulting with experienced farmers in the region can provide further guidance tailored to specific circumstances.  

Now, go and enjoy that beautiful part of the world you're farming in—many of us in warmer climes would love to see some snow cover over our fields. Heavenly!

Until we meet again, Happy Farming!

- The Dedicated Team of, 2023-06-15