Podcast Summary: In this podcast, Ollie talks about how Pasture.io began as a solution to help make better grazing decisions for his family dairy farm. He started walking the farm once a week with a rising plate meter to collect information on pasture growth rates, biomass, and grazing activities. The information was initially collected in a spreadsheet, later a FileMaker database, and then a web platform in 2014. In 2018, remote pasture measurements using satellites were added, and in 2021, Pasture.io started working with Farm Pulse to provide auto-grazing using GPS trackers. Ollie explains that the auto-grazer helps close the loop with remote pasture measurements, making grazing events integral to getting accurate satellite-backed pasture measurements. Ollie also discusses the importance of timely and accurate data entry for optimizing pasture utilization and how the app is being redesigned to make data entry easier for farmers. Ollie's future goal for Pasture.io is to continue to work with farmers to help relieve their mental burden of daily decision-making on grazing and provide them with the tools to make informed grazing decisions.


- The Dedicated Team of Pasture.io, 2023-01-03